
The Fylkirate of Svipjoth, commonly known as Svipjoth, is a sovereign nation located on the continent of Verusa in Saint Helene, spanning 1,134,018 square kilometers (slightly smaller than Colombia) bordering The Rynese Confederacy and Vyerossia by land and Canineia by sea to the South. The Fylkirate of Svipjoth includes 10 Kingdoms (consisting of 83 Jarldoms) and 10 Cardinalities (consisting of 83 Archdioceses), constituting a total of 186 governments represented in Parliament and 20 governments under the direct rule of the Fylkir. These 10 Kingdoms and Cardinalities are known as REDACTED: WIP

Svipjoth was founded in 47 BCE by Chieftess Ljufvina Finnsdottir, the matriarch of the Ljufvina dynasty. They have ruled Svipjoth since its founding, for 2,069 years. 

The Fylkirate of Svipjoth is a tricameral parliament with partial democracy, partial oligarchy and a constitutional executive caesaropapism. Parliament is made up of the House of Commons, the House of Lords, Temporal, and the House of Lords, Ecclesial. The Fylkir and their monarchical subjects are subject to absolute cognatic primogeniture inheritance laws. Representation in the House of Commons are democratic, while inheritance of baronies and all church properties below the Fylkirate (Cardinalities, Archdioceses, Dioceses, Parishes/Monasteries) are consecutively dictated by military and church appointment. Colonies are always held by the secondary children of the Fylkir (those that do not inherit The Fylkirate); they rule immediately upon becoming of age and are taken out of power once their eldest sibling’s secondary child(ren) are of age. The Fylkir themselves hold the titles of The Fylkirate of SvipjothThe Mayoral of Uppsala, The Kingdom of Svonja, and The Parish of Allsherjadomkirkja i Heilagur Grjotgard.

[International geography REDACTED: WIP]

Within the geography of Svipjoth, expansive mountain ranges and immense taiga forests dominate the nation, shielding the few fertile valleys from the cold, unrelenting winds. Miles of ocean coast outlines a significant portion of Svipjoth, renowned for their black sands and copious amounts of sea ice. The midnight sun dominates in Summer and the endless night dominates in Winter, with the sky consistently radiating with auroras and countless stars.

The Fylkirate of Svipjoth

Official Motto: “For the Honor and the Glory”

Capital City: Uppsala
Capital Parish: Allsherjadomkirkja i Heilagur Grjotgard (Domkirkja Fylkir)

National Symbols:
– National Animals: Grizzly Bear, Eurasian Elk
– National Dog: Svipish Bjornhund
– National Bird: Puffin
– National Fish: Salmon
– National Flower: Mountain Avens
– National Meals: Plokkfiskur
– National Tree: Spruce

Denomyn: Svipish (adjective), Svip (noun)

Population: 74.81 Million
Land Area: 1,134,018 Km²
Slightly Smaller Than Colombia

Official Languages: Svipish, Old Church Norse

Regional/Minority Languages: REDACTED: WIP

State Religion: The Grjotgardian Church of Hvitakristr and The Heidingdomr

Government: Constitutional Monarchy
– Fylkir: Beinlaus Pjotursson
– Heir: Aunstjerni Beinlausson
– Dynasty: Ljufving

– House of Commons Speaker: Magnus Hallsteinnsson
– House of Lords, Temporal Speaker: Queen Thjodhildr Kristafarsdottir of Norvegr
– House of Lords, Ecclesial Speaker: Cardinal Geiraldi Ubbesson of Garthariki
– Landr Madr Chancellor: Fylkir-Mother Kolfinna Matthiossdottir

Currency: Gullin